Structure Time
(* Time -- SML Basis Library *)
eqtype time
exception Time
val zeroTime : time
val now : unit -> time
val toSeconds : time -> int
val toMilliseconds : time -> int
val toMicroseconds : time -> int
val fromSeconds : int -> time
val fromMilliseconds : int -> time
val fromMicroseconds : int -> time
val fromReal : real -> time
val toReal : time -> real
val toString : time -> string (* rounded to millisecond precision *)
val fmt : int -> time -> string
val fromString : string -> time option
val scan : (char, 'a) StringCvt.reader
-> (time, 'a) StringCvt.reader
val + : time * time -> time
val - : time * time -> time
val < : time * time -> bool
val <= : time * time -> bool
val > : time * time -> bool
val >= : time * time -> bool
val compare : time * time -> order
[time] is a type for representing durations as well as absolute
points in time (which can be thought of as durations since some
fixed time zero). Times can be negative, zero, or positive.
[zeroTime] represents the 0-second duration, and the origin of time,
so zeroTime + t = t + zeroTime = t for all t.
[now ()] returns the point in time at which the application occurs.
[fromSeconds s] returns the time value corresponding to s seconds.
[fromMilliseconds ms] returns the time value corresponding to ms
[fromMicroseconds us] returns the time value corresponding to us
[toSeconds t] returns the number of seconds represented by t,
truncated (towards zero). Raises Overflow if that number is not
representable as an int.
[toMilliseconds t] returns the number of milliseconds represented
by t, truncated (towards zero). Raises Overflow if that number is
not representable as an int.
[toMicroseconds t] returns the number of microseconds represented
by t, truncated (towards zero). Raises Overflow if t that number
is not representable as an int.
[fromReal r] converts a real to a time value representing that many
seconds. It holds that fromReal 0.0 = zeroTime.
[toReal t] converts a time to the number of seconds it represents;
hence fromReal and toReal are inverses of each other.
[fmt n t] returns as a string the number of seconds represented by
t, rounded to n decimal digits. If n <= 0, then no decimal digits
are reported.
[toString t] returns as a string the number of seconds represented
by t, rounded to 3 decimal digits. Equivalent to (fmt 3 t).
[fromString s] returns SOME t where t is the time value represented
by the string s of form [\n\t ]*[+~-]?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)|(\.[0-9]+));
or returns NONE if s cannot be parsed as a time value.
[scan getc src], where getc is a character accessor, returns SOME
(t, rest) where t is a time and rest is rest of the input, or NONE
if s cannot be parsed as a time value.
[+] adds two time values. For reals r1, r2 >= 0.0, it holds that
fromReal r1 + fromReal r2 = fromReal(Real.+(r1,r2)).
Raises Overflow if the result is not representable as a time value.
[-] subtracts a time value from another. That is, t1 - t2 is the
duration from t2 to t1 (which may be negative).
It holds that t - zeroTime = t.
[>=] compares time values. For instance, for reals r1, r2 >= 0.0
it holds that fromReal r1 < fromReal r2 iff Real.<(r1, r2)
[compare(t1, t2)] returns LESS, EQUAL, or GREATER, according
as t1 precedes, equals, or follows t2 in time.
Moscow ML 2.10