Structure String
(* String -- SML Basis Library *)
type char = Char.char
type string = string
val maxSize : int
val size : string -> int
val sub : string * int -> char
val substring : string * int * int -> string
val extract : string * int * int option -> string
val ^ : string * string -> string
val concat : string list -> string
val concatWith : string -> string list -> string
val str : char -> string
val implode : char list -> string
val explode : string -> char list
val map : (char -> char) -> string -> string
val translate : (char -> string) -> string -> string
val tokens : (char -> bool) -> string -> string list
val fields : (char -> bool) -> string -> string list
val compare : string * string -> order
val collate : (char * char -> order) -> string * string -> order
val isPrefix : string -> string -> bool
val isSuffix : string -> string -> bool
val isSubstring : string -> string -> bool
val fromString : string -> string option (* ML escape sequences *)
val toString : string -> string (* ML escape sequences *)
val fromCString : string -> string option (* C escape sequences *)
val toCString : string -> string (* C escape sequences *)
val < : string * string -> bool
val <= : string * string -> bool
val > : string * string -> bool
val >= : string * string -> bool
[string] is the type of immutable strings of characters, with
constant-time indexing.
[maxSize] is the maximal number of characters in a string.
[size s] is the number of characters in string s.
[sub(s, i)] is the i'th character of s, counting from zero.
Raises Subscript if i<0 or i>=size s.
[substring(s, i, n)] is the string s[i..i+n-1]. Raises Subscript
if i<0 or n<0 or i+n>size s. Equivalent to extract(s, i, SOME n).
[extract (s, i, NONE)] is the string s[i..size s-1].
Raises Subscript if i<0 or i>size s.
[extract (s, i, SOME n)] is the string s[i..i+n-1].
Raises Subscript if i<0 or n<0 or i+n>size s.
[s1 ^ s2] is the concatenation of strings s1 and s2.
[concat ss] is the concatenation of all the strings in ss.
Raises Size if the sum of their sizes is greater than maxSize.
[concatWith sep ss] is the concatenation of all the strings in ss,
using sep as a separator. Thus
concatWith sep ss is the empty string ""
concatWith sep [s] is s
concatWith sep [s1, ..., sn] is concat[s1, sep, ..., sep, sn].
Raises Size if the resulting string would have more than maxSize
[str c] is the string of size one which contains the character c.
[implode cs] is the string containing the characters in the list cs.
Equivalent to concat ( str cs).
[explode s] is the list of characters in the string s.
[map f s] applies f to every character of s, from left to right,
and returns the string consisting of the resulting characters.
Equivalent to f s
and to implode ( f (explode s)).
[translate f s] applies f to every character of s, from left to
right, and returns the concatenation of the resulting strings.
Raises Size if the sum of their sizes is greater than maxSize.
Equivalent to concat ( f (explode s)).
[tokens p s] returns the list of tokens in s, from left to right,
where a token is a non-empty maximal substring of s not containing
any delimiter, and a delimiter is a character satisfying p.
[fields p s] returns the list of fields in s, from left to right,
where a field is a (possibly empty) maximal substring of s not
containing any delimiter, and a delimiter is a character satisfying p.
Two tokens may be separated by more than one delimiter, whereas two
fields are separated by exactly one delimiter. If the only delimiter
is the character #"|", then
"abc||def" contains two tokens: "abc" and "def"
"abc||def" contains three fields: "abc" and "" and "def"
[isPrefix s1 s2] is true if s1 is a prefix of s2.
That is, if there exists a string u such that s1 ^ u = s2.
[isSuffix s1 s2] is true if s1 is a suffix of s2.
That is, if there exists a string t such that t ^ s1 = s2.
[isSubstring s1 s2] is true if s1 is a substring of s2.
That is, if there exist strings t and u such that t ^ s1 ^ u = s2.
[fromString s] scans the string s as an ML source program string,
converting escape sequences into the appropriate characters. Does
not skip leading whitespace.
[toString s] returns a string corresponding to s, with
non-printable characters replaced by ML escape sequences.
Equivalent to String.translate Char.toString.
[fromCString s] scans the string s as a C source program string,
converting escape sequences into the appropriate characters. Does
not skip leading whitespace.
[toCString s] returns a string corresponding to s, with
non-printable characters replaced by C escape sequences.
Equivalent to String.translate Char.toCString.
[compare (s1, s2)] does lexicographic comparison, using the
standard ordering on the characters. Returns LESS,
EQUAL, or GREATER, according as s1 is less than, equal to, or
greater than s2.
[collate cmp (s1, s2)] performs lexicographic comparison, using the
given ordering cmp on characters.
[>=] compare strings lexicographically, using the representation
ordering on characters.
Moscow ML 2.10