Structure Rbset
(* Rbset -- ordered sets implemented by red-black trees *)
(* Intention: should resemble SML/NJs ORD_SET signature *)
signature Rbset = sig
type 'item set
exception NotFound
exception NonMonotonic
val empty : ('item * 'item -> order) -> 'item set
val singleton : ('item * 'item -> order) -> 'item -> 'item set
val add : 'item set * 'item -> 'item set
val add' : 'item * 'item set -> 'item set
val addList : 'item set * 'item list -> 'item set
val isEmpty : 'item set -> bool
val isSubset : 'item set * 'item set -> bool
val member : 'item set * 'item -> bool
val delete : 'item set * 'item -> 'item set
val numItems : 'item set -> int
val getOrder : 'item set -> ('item * 'item -> order)
val union : 'item set * 'item set -> 'item set
val intersection : 'item set * 'item set -> 'item set
val difference : 'item set * 'item set -> 'item set
val listItems : 'item set -> 'item list
val app : ('item -> unit) -> 'item set -> unit
val revapp : ('item -> unit) -> 'item set -> unit
val foldr : ('item * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'item set -> 'b
val foldl : ('item * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'item set -> 'b
val map : ('item -> 'newitem) * ('newitem * 'newitem -> order)
-> 'item set -> 'newitem set
val mapMono : ('item -> 'newitem) * ('newitem * 'newitem -> order)
-> 'item set -> 'newitem set
val find : ('item -> bool) -> 'item set -> 'item option
val min : 'item set -> 'item option
val max : 'item set -> 'item option
val hash : ('item -> word) -> 'item set -> word
val equal : 'item set * 'item set -> bool
val compare : 'item set * 'item set -> order
val depth : 'item set -> int
datatype 'item intv =
| From of 'item
| To of 'item
| FromTo of 'item * 'item
val subset : 'item set * 'item intv -> 'item set
val sublist : 'item set * 'item intv -> 'item list
['item set] is the type of sets of ordered elements of type 'item.
The ordering relation on the elements is used in the representation
of the set. The result of combining or comparing two sets with
different underlying ordering relations is undefined. The
implementation uses Okasaki-style red-black trees.
[empty ordr] creates a new empty set with the given ordering
[singleton ordr i] creates the singleton set containing i, with the
given ordering relation.
[add(s, i)] adds item i to set s.
[addList(s, xs)] adds all items from the list xs to the set s.
[isEmpty s] returns true if and only if the set is empty.
[equal(s1, s2)] returns true if and only if the two sets have the
same elements, as determined by the ordering relation given when
the sets were created.
[isSubset(s1, s2)] returns true if and only if s1 is a subset of s2.
[member(s, i)] returns true if and only if i is in s.
[delete(s, i)] removes item i from s. Raises NotFound if i is not in s.
[numItems s] returns the number of items in set s.
[union(s1, s2)] returns the union of s1 and s2.
[intersection(s1, s2)] returns the intersection of s1 and s2.
[difference(s1, s2)] returns the difference between s1 and s2 (that
is, the set of elements in s1 but not in s2).
[listItems s] returns a list of the items in set s, in increasing
[app f s] applies function f to the elements of s, in increasing
[revapp f s] applies function f to the elements of s, in decreasing
[foldl f e s] applies the folding function f to the entries of the
set in increasing order.
[foldr f e s] applies the folding function f to the entries of the
set in decreasing order.
[map (f, ordr) s] creates a new set with underlying ordering ordr
by applying function f to all elements of the set s.
[mapMono (f, ordr) s] creates a new set by applying the strictly
monotonically increasing function f to all elements of s. The new
set will have ordering ordr. This is faster than map (f, ordr) s by
a logarithmic factor, but the function must satisfy
ordr(f x, f y) = ordr'(x, y)
for all elements x, y in s, where ordr' is the ordering relation
on s; otherwise exception NonMonotonic is thrown.
[find p s] returns SOME i, where i is an item in s which satisfies
p, if one exists; otherwise returns NONE. Traverses the entries of
the set in increasing order.
[min s] returns SOME i, where i is the least item in the set s, if s is
non-empty; returns NONE if s is empty.
[max s] returns SOME i, where i is the greatest item in the set s,
if s is non-empty; returns NONE if s is empty.
[hashCode h s] returns the hashcode of the set, which is the sum of
the hashcodes of its elements, as computed by the function h.
[compare (s1, s2)] returns LESS, EQUAL or GREATER according as s1
precedes, equals or follows s2 in the lexicographic ordering that
would be obtained by comparing the sorted lists of elements of the
two sets. It holds that
equal(s1, s2) if and only if compare(s1, s2) = EQUAL
isSubset(s1, s2) implies compare(s1, s2) = LESS
isSubset(s2, s1) implies compare(s1, s2) = GREATER
[subset(s, intv)] returns a set of those elements of s that belong
to the interval intv. The intervals have the following meaning:
All denotes all elements
From e1 denotes elements e for which cmp(e1, e) <> GREATER
To e2 denotes elements e for which cmp(e, e2) = LESS
FromTo(e1, e2) denotes elements e for which cmp(e1, e) <> GREATER
and cmp(e, e2) = LESS
[sublist(s, intv)] returns a list, in order, of those elements of s
that belong to the interval intv. Thus sublist(s, All) is equivalent
to listItems s.
Moscow ML 2.10