Structure Process
(* OS.Process -- SML Basis Library *)
type status
val success : status
val failure : status
val isSuccess : status -> bool
val system : string -> status
val atExit : (unit -> unit) -> unit
val exit : status -> 'a
val terminate : status -> 'a
val sleep : Time.time -> unit
val getEnv : string -> string option
Portable functions for manipulating processes.
[success] is the unique status value that signifies successful
termination of a process. Note: MS DOS (sometimes) believes that
all processes are successful.
[failure] is a status value that signifies an error during
execution of a process. Note that in contrast to the success
value, there may be several distinct failure values. Use function
isSuccess to reliably test for success.
[isSuccess sv] returns true if the status value sv represents a
successful execution, false otherwise. It holds that
isSuccess success = true and isSuccess failure = false.
[system cmd] asks the operating system to execute command cmd, and
returns a status value.
[atExit act] registers the action act to be executed when the
current SML program calls Process.exit. Actions will be executed
in reverse order of registration.
[exit i] executes all registered actions, then terminates the SML
process with completion code i.
[terminate i] terminates the SML process with completion code i
(but without executing the registered actions).
[sleep t] suspends this process for approximately the time
indicated by t. The actual time slept depends on the capabilities
of the underlying system and the system load. Does not sleep at
all if t <= Time.zeroTime.
[getEnv evar] returns SOME s if the environment variable evar is
defined and is associated with the string s; otherwise NONE.
Moscow ML 2.10