Structure Polyhash
(* Polyhash -- polymorphic hashtables as in the SML/NJ Library *)
type ('key, 'data) hash_table
val mkTable : ('_key -> int) * ('_key * '_key -> bool) -> int * exn
-> ('_key, '_data) hash_table
val numItems : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> int
val insert : ('_key, '_data) hash_table -> '_key * '_data -> unit
val peekInsert : ('_key, '_data) hash_table -> '_key * '_data
-> '_data option
val find : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> 'key -> 'data
val peek : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> 'key -> 'data option
val remove : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> 'key -> 'data
val listItems : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> ('key * 'data) list
val apply : ('key * 'data -> unit) -> ('key, 'data) hash_table -> unit
val map : ('_key * 'data -> '_res) -> ('_key, 'data) hash_table
-> ('_key, '_res) hash_table
val filter : ('key * 'data -> bool) -> ('key, 'data) hash_table -> unit
val transform : ('data -> '_res) -> ('_key, 'data) hash_table
-> ('_key, '_res) hash_table
val copy : ('_key, '_data) hash_table -> ('_key, '_data) hash_table
val bucketSizes : ('key, 'data) hash_table -> int list
(* Polymorphic hash primitives from Caml Light *)
val hash : 'key -> int
val hash_param : int -> int -> 'key -> int
val mkPolyTable : int * exn -> (''_key, '_data) hash_table
[('key, 'data) hash_table] is the type of hashtables with keys of type
'key and data values of type 'data.
[mkTable (hashVal, sameKey) (sz, exc)] returns a new hashtable,
using hash function hashVal and equality predicate sameKey. The sz
is a size hint, and exc is the exception raised by function find.
It must be the case that sameKey(k1, k2) implies hashVal(k1) =
hashVal(k2) for all k1,k2.
[numItems htbl] is the number of items in the hash table.
[insert htbl (k, d)] inserts data d for key k. If k already had an
item associated with it, then the old item is overwritten.
[find htbl k] returns d, where d is the data item associated with key k,
or raises the exception (given at creation of htbl) if there is no such d.
[peek htbl k] returns SOME d, where d is the data item associated with
key k, or NONE if there is no such d.
[peekInsert htbl (k, d)] inserts data d for key k, if k is not
already in the table, returning NONE. If k is already in the
table, and the associated data value is d', then returns SOME d'
and leaves the table unmodified.
[remove htbl k] returns d, where d is the data item associated with key k,
removing d from the table; or raises the exception if there is no such d.
[listItems htbl] returns a list of the (key, data) pairs in the hashtable.
[apply f htbl] applies function f to all (key, data) pairs in the
hashtable, in some order.
[map f htbl] returns a new hashtable, whose data items have been
obtained by applying f to the (key, data) pairs in htbl. The new
tables have the same keys, hash function, equality predicate, and
exception, as htbl.
[filter p htbl] deletes from htbl all data items which do not
satisfy predicate p.
[transform f htbl] as map, but only the (old) data values are used
when computing the new data values.
[copy htbl] returns a complete copy of htbl.
[bucketSizes htbl] returns a list of the sizes of the buckets.
This is to allow users to gauge the quality of their hashing
[hash k] returns the hash value of k, as a positive integer. If
k1=k2 then hash(k1) = hash(k2), so this function can be used when
creating hashtables. The application hash(k) always terminates,
even on cyclic structures. (From the Caml Light implementation).
[hash_param n m k] computes a hash value for k with the same
properties as for hash. The parameters n and m give more precise
control over hashing. Hashing performs a depth-first,
right-to-left traversal of the structure k, stopping after n
meaningful nodes were encountered, or m nodes, meaningful or not,
were encountered. Meaningful nodes are: integers, floating-point
numbers, strings, characters, booleans, references, and constant
[mkPolyTable (sz, exc)] creates a new hashtable using the
polymorphic hash function (hash) and ML equality (op =); the integer
sz is a size hint and the exception exc is to be raised by find.
Moscow ML 2.10