Structure Meta
(* Meta -- functions available only in interactive Moscow ML sessions *)
val printVal : 'a -> 'a
val printDepth : int ref
val printLength : int ref
val installPP : (ppstream -> 'a -> unit) -> unit
val liberal : unit -> unit
val conservative : unit -> unit
val orthodox : unit -> unit
val use : string -> unit
val compile : string -> unit
val compileToplevel : string list -> string -> unit
val compileStructure : string list -> string -> unit
val load : string -> unit
val loadOne : string -> unit
val loaded : unit -> string list
val loadPath : string list ref
val quietdec : bool ref
val verbose : bool ref
val quotation : bool ref
val valuepoly : bool ref
val quit : unit -> 'a
These values and functions are available in the Moscow ML
interactive system only.
[printVal e] prints the value of expression e to standard output
exactly as it would be printed at top-level, and returns the value
of e. Output is flushed immediately. This function is provided as
a simple debugging aid. The effect of printVal is similar to that
of `print' in Edinburgh ML or Umeaa ML. For string arguments, the
effect of SML/NJ print can be achieved by the function
TextIO.print : string -> unit.
[printDepth] determines the depth (in terms of nested constructors,
records, tuples, lists, and vectors) to which values are printed by
the top-level value printer and the function printVal. The components
of the value whose depth is greater than printDepth are printed as
`#'. The initial value of printDepth is 20. This value can be
changed at any moment, by evaluating, for example,
printDepth := 17;
[printLength] determines the way in which list values are printed
by the top-level value printer and the function printVal. If the
length of a list is greater than printLength, then only the first
printLength elements are printed, and the remaining elements are
printed as `...'. The initial value of printLength is 200. This
value can be changed at any moment, by evaluating, for example,
printLength := 500;
[quit ()] quits Moscow ML immediately.
[installPP pp] installs the prettyprinter pp : ppstream -> ty -> unit
at type ty. The type ty must be a nullary (parameter-less) type
constructor representing a datatype, either built-in (such as bool)
or user-defined. Whenever a value of type ty is about to be
printed by the interactive system, or function printVal is invoked
on an argument of type ty, the pretty-printer pp will be invoked to
print it. See library unit PP for more information.
[use "f"] causes ML declarations to be read from file f as if they
were entered from the console. A file loaded by use may, in turn,
evaluate calls to use. For best results, use `use' only at top
level, or at top level within a use'd file.
[liberal ()] sets liberal mode for the compilation functions:
accept (without warnings) all extensions to the SML Modules
language. The extensions are: higher-order modules (functors
defined within structures and functors); first-order modules
(structures can be packed as values, and values can be unpacked as
structures); and recursively defined modules (signatures and
structures). The liberal, conservative, and orthodox modes affect
the functions compile, compileStructure, and compileToplevel. The
liberal mode may be set also by the mosml option -liberal.
[conservative ()] sets conservative mode for the compilation
functions: accept all extensions to the SML Modules language, but
issue a warning for each use. The conservative mode may be set
also by the mosml option -conservative. This is the default.
[orthodox ()] sets orthodox mode for the compilation functions:
reject all uses of the extensions to the SML Modules language.
That is, accept only SML Modules syntax. The orthodox mode may be
set also by the mosml option -orthodox.
[compile "U.sig"] will compile and elaborate the specifications in
file U.sig in structure mode, producing a compiled signature U in
file U.ui. This function is backwards compatible with Moscow ML
1.44 and earlier. Equivalent to compileStructure [] "U.sig".
[compile "U.sml"] will elaborate and compile the declarations in
file U.sml in structure mode, producing a compiled structure U in
bytecode file U.uo. If there is an explicit signature file U.sig,
then file U.ui must exist, and the unit body must match the
signature. If there is no U.sig, then an inferred signature file
U.ui will be produced also. No evaluation takes place. This
function is backwards compatible with Moscow ML 1.44 and earlier.
Equivalent to compileStructure [] "U.sml".
The declared identifiers will be reported if verbose is true (see
below); otherwise compilation will be silent. In any case,
compilation warnings are reported, and compilation errors abort the
compilation and raise the exception Fail with a string argument.
[compileStructure opnunits "U.sig"] compiles the specifications
in file U.sig as if they form a signature declaration
signature U = sig ... contents of U.sig ... end
The contents of opnunits is added to the compilation context in
which the specifications in U.sig are compiled. The result is a
compiled signature file U.ui. This
corresponds to invoking the batch compiler as follows:
mosmlc -c U1.ui ... Un.ui -structure U.sig
where opnunits equals ["U1", ..., "Un"].
[compileStructure opnunits "U.sml"] compiles the declarations in
file U.sml as if they formed a structure declaration
structure U = struct ... contents of U.sml ... end
The contents of opnunits is added to the compilation context in
which the declarations in U.sml are compiled. If U.ui exists
already and represents a signature called U, then the compiled
declarations are matched against it. The result is a bytecode file
U.uo. If no file U.ui existed, then also a file U.ui is created,
containing the inferred signature of structure U. This
corresponds to invoking the batch compiler as follows:
mosmlc -c U1.ui ... Un.ui -structure U.sml
where opnunits equals ["U1", ..., "Un"].
[compileToplevel opnunits "U.sig"] compiles the specifications in
file U.sig, in a context in which all declarations from opnunits
are visible, creating a compiled signature file U.ui. This
corresponds to invoking the batch compiler as follows:
mosmlc -c U1.ui ... Un.ui -toplevel U.sig
where opnunits equals ["U1", ..., "Un"].
[compileToplevel opnunits "U.sml"] compiles the declarations in
file U.sml, in a context in which all declarations from opnunits
are visible, creating a bytecode file U.uo. If U.ui exists
already, then the compiled declarations are matched against it;
otherwise the file U.ui is created. This corresponds to invoking the
batch compiler as follows
mosmlc -c U1.ui ... Un.ui -toplevel U.sml
where opnunits equals ["U1", ..., "Un"].
[load "U"] will load and evaluate the compiled unit body from file
U.uo. The resulting values are not reported, but exceptions are
reported, and cause evaluation and loading to stop. If U is
already loaded, then load "U" has no effect. If any other unit is
mentioned by U but not yet loaded, then it will be loaded
automatically before U.
After loading a unit, it can be opened with `open U'. Opening it
at top-level will list the identifiers declared in the unit.
When loading U, it is checked that the signatures of units
mentioned by U agree with the signatures used when compiling U, and
it is checked that the signature of U has not been modified since U
was compiled; these checks are necessary for type safety. The
exception Fail is raised if these signature checks fail, or if the
file containing U or a unit mentioned by U does not exist.
[loadOne "U"] is similar to `load "U"', but raises exception Fail
if U is already loaded or if some unit mentioned by U is not yet
loaded. That is, it does not automatically load any units
mentioned by U. It performs the same signature checks as `load'.
[loaded ()] returns a list of the names of all compiled units that
have been loaded so far. The names appear in some random order.
[loadPath] determines the load path: which directories will be
searched for interface files (.ui files), bytecode files (.uo
files), and source files (.sml files). This variable affects the
load, loadOne, and use functions. The current directory is always
searched first, followed by the directories in loadPath, in order.
By default, only the standard library directory is in the list, but
if additional directories are specified using option -I, then these
directories are prepended to loadPath.
[quietdec] when true, turns off the interactive system's prompt and
responses, except warnings and error messages. Useful for writing
scripts in SML. The default value is false; can be set to true
with the -quietdec command line option.
[verbose] determines whether the signature inferred by a call to
compile will be printed. The printed signature follows the syntax
of Moscow ML signatures, so the output of compile "U.sml" can be
edited to subsequently create file U.sig. The default value is
ref false.
[quotation] determines whether quotations and antiquotations are
permitted in declarations entered at top-level and in files
compiled with compile. A quotation is a piece of text surrounded
by backquote characters `a b c` and is used to embed object
language phrases in ML programs; see the Moscow ML Owner's Manual
for a brief explanation of quotations. When quotation is false,
the backquote character is an ordinary symbol which can be used in
ML symbolic identifiers. When quotation is true, the backquote
character is illegal in symbolic identifiers, and a quotation `a b
c` will be recognized by the parser and evaluated to an object of
type 'a General.frag list. False by default.
[valuepoly] determines whether value polymorphism is used or not in
the type checker. With value polymorphism (the default), there is
no distinction between imperative ('_a) and applicative ('a) type
variables, and type variables are generalized only in bindings to
non-expansive expressions. Non-generalized type variables are left
free, to be instantiated when the bound identifier is used. An
expression is non-expansive if it is a variable, a special
constant, a function, a tuple or record of non-expansive
expressions, a parenthesized or typed non-expansive expression, or
the application of an exception or value constructor (other than
ref) to a non-expansive expression. If valuepoly is false, then
the type checker will distinguish imperative and applicative type
variables, generalize all applicative type variables, and
generalize imperative type variables only in non-expansive
expressions. True by default.
Moscow ML 2.10