Structure Gdimage
(* Gdimage -- creating PNG images -- requires Dynlib *)
type image
type color
datatype style =
ColorS of color
| TransparentS
datatype mode =
Color of color
| Transparent
| Brushed of image
| Styled of style vector
| StyledBrushed of bool vector * image
| Tiled of image
datatype font =
| Small
| MediumBold
| Large
| Giant
type rgb = int * int * int (* RGB color components, 0..255 *)
type xy = int * int (* points (x, y) and sizes (w, h) *)
val image : xy -> rgb -> image
val fromPng : string -> image
val toPng : image -> string -> unit
val stdoutPng : image -> unit
val size : image -> xy
val color : image -> rgb -> color
val rgb : image -> color -> rgb
val htmlcolors : image -> { aqua : color, black : color, blue : color,
fuchsia : color, gray : color,
green : color, lime : color, maroon : color,
navy : color, olive : color, purple : color,
red : color, silver : color, teal : color,
white : color, yellow : color }
val getTransparent : image -> color option
val setTransparent : image -> color -> unit
val noTransparent : image -> unit
val drawPixel : image -> mode -> xy -> unit
val drawLine : image -> mode -> xy * xy -> unit
val drawRect : image -> mode -> xy * xy -> unit
val fillRect : image -> mode -> xy * xy -> unit
val drawPolygon : image -> mode -> xy vector -> unit
val fillPolygon : image -> mode -> xy vector -> unit
val drawArc : image -> mode -> { c : xy, wh : xy, from : int, to : int }
-> unit
val fill : image -> mode -> xy -> unit
val fillBorder : image -> mode -> xy -> color -> unit
val copy : { src : image, srcxy : xy, srcwh : xy,
dst : image, dstxy : xy } -> unit
val copyResize : { src : image, srcxy : xy, srcwh : xy,
dst : image, dstxy : xy, dstwh : xy } -> unit
val char : image -> color -> font -> xy -> char -> unit
val charUp : image -> color -> font -> xy -> char -> unit
val string : image -> color -> font -> xy -> string -> unit
val stringUp : image -> color -> font -> xy -> string -> unit
val charsize : font -> xy
This is an interface to version 1.7.3 of Thomas Boutell's gd image
package for creating PNG images.
[image] is the type of images being drawn. They can be created
from scratch, imported from PNG files, and exported to PNG files.
All functions correctly clip to the actual size of the image.
[color] is the type of colors. Currently there can be at most 256
different colors in an image.
[style] is the type of drawing styles. A style is either a color,
or transparent.
[mode] is the type of drawing modes for line drawing and filling.
It may be one of
Color c where c is a color
Brushed img for line drawing using the given image as brush
Styled stys for line drawing, cyclically using the styles
in the given vector to create a dashed line
StyledBrushed (vis, img)
for line drawing, using the given image as a brush,
cyclically switching it on and off according to the
given bool vector
Tiled img for filling, using the given image as a tile
[font] is the type of fonts: Tiny, Small, MediumBold, Large, Giant
[rgb] is the type of (r, g, b) triples, where the components
indicate color intensity as an integer value in the range 0..255.
[xy] is the type of pairs, used for (x, y) coordinates and to
indicate dimensions (width, height). The origin (0, 0) is the
upper left-hand corner of the image. The x coordinates increase to
the right; the y coordinates increase downwards.
[image (w, h) rgb] creates a new empty image with size (w, h) and
the background color rgb. Raises Fail if the image cannot be
[fromPng filename] reads an image from the given PNG file. Raises
Fail if the file does not exist or does not contain a PNG image.
[size img] returns (w, h) where w is the width and h the height of
[toPng img filename] write the image to the given file in PNG
[stdoutPng img] writes the image to standard output in PNG format,
preceded by the HTTP header "Content-type: image/png\n\n". Useful
in CGI scripts.
[color img rgb] returns the color code corresponding to rgb in the
color table of img. Reuses the color code if it has already been
allocated; otherwise allocates the color if possible; otherwise
returns an approximation to the color rgb.
[htmlcolors im] returns a record containing the 16 standard HTML
colors: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon,
navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, yellow. This call
will allocate all these colors in the color table of the image,
even if you do not use all of them.
[rgb img color] returns (r, g, b) where r, g, b are the component
intensities of the given color in the color table of img.
[getTransparent img] returns SOME c where c is the `transparent'
color of the image, if any; otherwise returns NONE.
[setTransparent img col] makes the given color transparent in the
[noTransparent img] makes all colors non-transparent in the image.
This is useful for images that are to be used as tiles for filling.
Such images are not allowed to have a transparent color.
[drawPixel img mode xy] draws the pixel in img at xy using the
given mode.
[drawLine img mode (xy1, xy2)] draws a line in img from xy1 to xy2
using the given mode.
[drawRect img mode (xy1, xy2)] draws a rectangle in img with
opposing corners xy1 and xy2 using the given mode.
[fillRect img mode (xy1, xy2)] draws a filled rectangle in img with
opposing corners xy1 and xy2 using the given mode.
[drawPolygon img mode xys] draws a polygon in img with corners as
given by the vector xys of coordinates using the given mode.
[fillPolygon img mode xys] draws a filled polygon in img with
corners as given by the vector xys of coordinates using the given
[drawArc img mode { c, wh, from, to }] draw part of an ellipsis arc
in img, with center c, width and height wh, using the given `from'
and `to' angles, given in degrees (0..360).
[fill img mode xy] fills the region in img around xy which has the
same color as the point at img, using the given mode.
[fillBorder img mode xy col] fills the region in img around xy
which is delimited by the color col, using the given mode.
[copy { src, srcxy, srcwh, dst, dstxy }] copies part of the image
src into the image dst, without rescaling. More precisely, copies
the subimage of src whose upper left-hand corner is srcxy and whose
size is srcwh, into the subimage of dst whose upper left-hand
corner is dstxy. The images src and dst may be the same, but if
the subimages overlap, then the result is unpredictable.
[copyResize { src, srcxy, srcwh, dst, dstxy, dstwh }] copies part
of the image src into the image dst, rescaling to the given size
dstwh of the destination subimage. Otherwise works as copy.
[char img col font xy ch] draws the character ch left-right (to be
read from south) in img at xy using the given color.
[charUp img col font xy ch] draws the character ch bottom-up (to be
read from east) in img at xy using the given color.
[string img col font xy s] draws the string s left-right (to be
read from south) in img at xy using the given color.
[stringUp img col font xy s] draws the string s bottom-up (to be
read from east) in img at xy using the given color.
[charsize font] returns (w, h) where w is the width and h the
height, in pixels, of each character in the given font.
Moscow ML 2.10