Structure Buffer
signature Buffer =
type buf
val new : int -> buf
val contents : buf -> string
val size : buf -> int
val clear : buf -> unit
val reset : buf -> unit
val addChar : buf -> char -> unit
val addString : buf -> string -> unit
val addSubString : buf -> substring -> unit
(* [buf] is the type of mutable string buffers that allows efficient
concatenation at the end and automatically expand as necessary. It
provides accumulative concatenation of strings in quasi-linear time
(instead of quadratic time when strings are concatenated pairwise).
[new hint] creates a new empty buffer. Raises Size if hint <= 0 or
hint > String.maxSize.
The argument hint is used as the initial size of the internal
string that holds the buffer contents. The internal string is
automatically reallocated as contents is stored in the buffer. For
best performance, hint should be of the same order of magnitude as
the number of characters that are expected to be stored in the
buffer (for instance, 80 for a buffer that holds one output line).
Nothing bad will happen if the buffer grows beyond that limit,
however. In doubt, take hint = 16 for instance.
[contents buf] returns the contents of buf.
[size buf] returns the size of the contents of buf.
[clear buf] emptys buf.
[reset buf] emptys buf and shrink the internal string to the
initial hint.
[addChar buf c] appends c at the end of buf.
[addString buf s] appends s at the end of buf.
[addSubString buf ss] appends ss at the end of buf.
Moscow ML 2.10