Structure ArraySlice

Identifier index Structure index

(* ArraySlice -- SML Basis Library *)

type 'a slice

val length   : 'a slice -> int
val sub      : 'a slice * int -> 'a
val update   : 'a slice * int * 'a  -> unit
val slice    : 'a Array.array * int * int option -> 'a slice
val full     : 'a Array.array -> 'a slice
val subslice : 'a slice * int * int option -> 'a slice
val base     : 'a slice -> 'a Array.array * int * int
val vector   : 'a slice -> 'a Vector.vector
val copy     : {src: 'a slice, dst: 'a Array.array, di: int} -> unit
val copyVec  : {src: 'a VectorSlice.slice, dst: 'a Array.array, di: int} 
               -> unit 
val isEmpty  : 'a slice -> bool
val getItem  : 'a slice -> ('a * 'a slice) option

val find     : ('a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> 'a option
val exists   : ('a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> bool
val all      : ('a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> bool

val app      : ('a -> unit) -> 'a slice -> unit
val foldl    : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b
val foldr    : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b
val modify   : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a slice -> unit

val findi    : (int * 'a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> (int * 'a) option
val appi     : (int * 'a -> unit) -> 'a slice -> unit
val foldli   : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b
val foldri   : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b
val modifyi  : (int * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a slice -> unit

val collate  : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a slice * 'a slice -> order

   ['ty slice] is the type of array slices, that is, sub-arrays.  
   The slice (a,i,n) is valid if 0 <= i <= i+n <= size s, 
                or equivalently, 0 <= i and 0 <= n and i+n <= size s.  
   A valid slice sli = (a,i,n) represents the sub-array a[i...i+n-1],
   so the elements of sli are a[i], a[i+1], ..., a[i+n-1], and n is
   the length of the slice.  Only valid slices can be constructed by
   the functions below.

   [length sli] returns the number n of elements in sli = (s,i,n).

   [sub (sli, k)] returns the k'th element of the slice, that is,
   a(i+k) where sli = (a,i,n).  Raises Subscript if k<0 or k>=n.

   [update (sli, k, x)] destructively replaces the k'th element of sli
   by x.  That is, replaces a(k+i) by x, where sli = (a,i,n).  Raises
   Subscript if i<0 or i>=n.

   [slice (a, i, NONE)] creates the slice (a, i, length a-i),
   consisting of the tail of a starting at i.  
   Raises Subscript if i<0 or i > Array.length a.  
   Equivalent to slice (a, i, SOME(Array.length a - i)).

   [slice (a, i, SOME n)] creates the slice (a, i, n), consisting of
   the sub-array of a with length n starting at i.  Raises Subscript
   if i<0 or n<0 or i+n > Array.length a.  

       slice             meaning 
       (a, 0, NONE)      the whole array              a[0..len-1]   
       (a, 0, SOME n)    a left sub-array (prefix)    a[0..n-1]
       (a, i, NONE)      a right sub-array (suffix)   a[i..len-1]
       (a, i, SOME n)    a general slice              a[i..i+n-1] 

   [full a] creates the slice (a, 0, length a).  
   Equivalent to slice(a,0,NONE)

   [subslice (sli, i', NONE)] returns the slice (a, i+i', n-i') when
   sli = (a,i,n).  Raises Subscript if i' < 0 or i' > n.

   [subslice (sli, i', SOME n')] returns the slice (a, i+i', n') when
   sli = (a,i,n).  Raises Subscript if i' < 0 or n' < 0 or i'+n' > n.

   [base sli] is the concrete triple (a, i, n) when sli = (a, i, n).

   [vector sli] creates and returns a vector consisting of the
   elements of the slice, that is, a[i..i+n-1] when sli = (a,i,n).

   [copy {src, dst, di}] copies the elements of slice src = (a,i,n),
   that is, a[i..i+n-1], to the destination segment dst[di..di+n-1].
   Raises Subscript if di<0 or if di+n > length dst.  Works also if
   the array underlying sli is the same as dst, and the slice overlaps
   with the destination segment.

   [copyVec {src, dst, di}] copies the elements of the vector slice
   src = (v,i,n), that is, v[i..i+n-1], to dst[di..di+n-1].  Raises
   Subscript if di<0, or if len=NONE and di + n > length dst.  

   [isEmpty sli] returns true if the slice sli = (a,i,n) is empty,
   that is, if n=0.

   [getItem sli] returns SOME(x, rst) where x is the first element and
   rst the remainder of sli, if sli is non-empty; otherwise returns

   [find p sli] applies p to each element x of sli, from left to
   right, until p(x) evaluates to true; returns SOME x if such an x
   exists, otherwise NONE.

   [exists p sli] applies p to each element x of sli, from left to right,
   until p(x) evaluates to true; returns true if such an x exists,
   otherwise false.

   [all p sli] applies p to each element x of sli, from left to right,
   until p(x) evaluates to false; returns false if such an x exists,
   otherwise true.

   [app f sli] applies f to all elements of sli = (a,i,n), from
   left to right.  That is, applies f to a[j+i] for j=0,1,...,n.

   [foldl f e sli] folds function f over sli = (a,i,n) from left to right.  
   That is, computes f(a[i+n-1], f(a[i+n-2],..., f(a[i+1], f(a[i], e))...)).

   [foldr f e sli] folds function f over sli = (a,i,n) from right to left.  
   That is, computes f(a[i], f(a[i+1],..., f(a[i+n-2], f(a[i+n-1], e))...)).

   [modify f sli] modifies the elements of the slice sli = (a,i,n) by
   function f.  That is, applies f to a[i+j] and updates a[i+j] with
   the result f(a[i+j]) for j=0,1,...,n.

   The following iterators generalize the above ones by also passing
   the index into the array a underlying the slice to the function
   being iterated.

   [findi p sli] applies p to the elements of sli = (a,i,n) and the
   underlying array indices, and returns the least (j, a[j]) for which
   p(j, a[j]) evaluates to true, if any; otherwise returns NONE.  That
   is, evaluates p(j, a[j]) for j=i,..i+n-1 until it evaluates to true
   for some j, then returns SOME(j, a[j]); otherwise returns NONE.

   [appi f sli] applies f to the slice sli = (a,i,n) and the
   underlying array indices.  That is, applies f to successive pairs
   (j, a[j]) for j=i,i+1,...,i+n-1.

   [foldli f e sli] folds function f over the slice sli = (a,i,n) and
   the underlying array indices from left to right.  That is, computes 
   f(i+n-1, a[i+n-1], f(..., f(i+1, a[i+1], f(i, a[i], e)) ...)).  

   [foldri f e sli] folds function f over the slice sli = (a,i,n) and
   the underlying array indices from right to left.  That is, computes
   f(i, a[i], f(i+1, a[i+1], ..., f(i+n-1, a[i+n-1], e) ...)).

   [modifyi f sli] modifies the elements of the slice sli = (a,i,n) by
   applying function f to the slice elements and the underlying array
   indices.  That is, applies f to (j, a[j]) and updates a[j] with the
   result f(j, a[j]) for j=i,i+1,...,i+n-1.  
   [collate cmp (sli1, sli2)] returns LESS, EQUAL or GREATER according
   as sli1 precedes, equals or follows sli2 in the lexicographic
   ordering on slices induced by the ordering cmp on elements.

Identifier index Structure index

Moscow ML 2.10